Tuesday, March 24, 2009

People wear make-up...

People do not wear masks, just make-up.
Oh, how easier it would be, if they wore masks. You can wait for the right moment for them to fall off, or you can try and tear them off.
But no, all they wear is simple, carefully applied make-up.
So it's really complicated you see, you can't tell which feature is for real and which one isn't.
Are the lips truly red? are those eyelashes are for real?
Is the hair truly black? may be, may be not.
If you like what you see, you think everything is real, or convince yourself that even without the make-up the person would be beautiful.
If you are repelled by it, you are convinced that a real hag hides behind all the glitter.
Well, so to bring up a weather-beaten cliche, it's a tricky thing, human relationships.
As they say, there are no black or white in this world. Only shades of grey... besides numerous colors of course!
And remember, people wear make-up, not masks.


Anonymous said...

fine..write more

Deepa said...
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Anonymous said...

hmm...a penny for your thoughts...may be 'm wrong but aren't human relationships tricky becuz people wear masks as often as make up....

Deepa said...


yeah, you may be right... But according to my perception, make-up is trickier. Masks are blatant. You can often see through them. One should be really stupid to wear them all the time. Make-up is an art, more subtle, more complicated...

Anonymous said...

hmm...it makes sense now...but it did made me think "if only men could look beyond women's makeup.....and women could look beyond men's masks..."....anyways great thought flow...

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